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band geek

Funniest people alive. There are three types of band geeks- 1) the annoying band geeks- the kid who thinks he knows anything and everything when in reality, he's just a dumbass who sits in the back and figures out how to beat every brain puzzle known to man, 2) the completely dedicated band geek- the two or three kids that show up to fundraisers and all marching shows early, either because they have to, they want to, or they're overly-obsessed with the band and want to be drum major their senior year. The third type of band geek is the normal musical kid. These kids are the bomb-shnizzle-tits. They are completely normal outside ban most of the time, but they understand all the band jokes. You always want to be around these kids because they're so chill, and they make everyday better. They show up to all band functions and help along, and then they go home and do what normal people do. They don't make weird band references every five minutes and they know when a band reference is/isn't appropriate. They're the best people to hang out with.

*Band wanna-bes- the kids that brag about band when they're in it, and complain about the director if they get kicked out. They do dirty things in the back of the bus and make dirty band references all the time and don't understand music. Whores in band uniforms, basically. Do not consider them band geeks. They're a shame on all band geeks.

Type 1
"Hey did you hear about Jason in band?"
"Yeah, he figured out how to solve a Rubik's cube. For the millionth time."
Type 2
"What happened at the-"
"The car wash? I helped set up, then i washed like, fourteen cars, then you all left and I helped clean up."
"Okay, I meant, how-"
"Much money did we earn? Well, afterwards we were..."
"damn band geeks."
Type 3
"How's band?"
"Eh, can't complain. I was wondering, after the game, do you want to go hang out at McDonald's? I kind of want to show you this video of a monkey, and they got free wifi over there..."
Band Wanna-bes
"Hey guys, this one time at band camp, I was fucking-"
"NO." (Covers his/her mouth)

by bomb-shnizzle-tits June 10, 2013