averys are truly one of the best people ever. they are beautiful, kind, caring, and a total geek. they read far too much, and grow an attachment to any loveable fictional character. they are usually obsessed with british people. averys are usually very anxious people and need constant reassurance. love her. love her while she still trusts you. if you find an avery never, ever let her go. she will be the best thing in your life for a long time. make sure to watch musicals and listen to all her nerdy rants. she is both a musical theatre geek and loves anything involving flowers.
averys can get discouraged fast, maybe a bad grade on a test, so make sure to remind her how well she is doing, she needs it. averys are willing to give up anything for her friends. that is even if it is bringing herself down, be aware of that.
person: avery is so sweet omg
other person: shes gonna give up everything for you. keep her close.