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Elite place on the internet, invitation only. Best known for being the preferred hang-out of Metatron, hottest male on the intarwebz 1997-200?

Whats the most elite place on the intarwebz to be anno early 2000's?

by bookworm2000 May 31, 2008

31👍 31👎


1. The angel who acts are the voice of God in all matters. The true voice of God would kill anyone who heard it.
"Behold the Metatron, Herald of the Almighty and voice of the one true God."

2. Coolest fellow on the internet in the early 2000's, mint bloke, pure gold he is!

1. "Behold the Metatron, Herald of the Almighty and voice of the one true God."

2. "Whos is that slick fellz from Karagarga all the gals are jiving about?" answer: "Metatron".

by bookworm2000 May 31, 2008

8👍 16👎


The citizens and language of Denmark. Often used synonymous with "hot", "awesome" or just "genious".

1. So, is he hot?
-He is Danish.
-Oh, I see, nice going girl!

2. Is it genious or just very clever?
-Its Danish.
-OH, wow..I wish I was Danish too.

by bookworm2000 May 31, 2008

481👍 212👎


The cradle of all ciivilization. The girls are all tall blonde babes and the fellz are all hot professor types who knows karate.

Oh teacher, who invented fire?

-Nobody knows, but it was somewhere in Denmark.

by bookworm2000 May 31, 2008

387👍 120👎