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1: (noun) The Portuguese variation for the name Dionysus, which originated from the Greek god of wine and orgies.

2: (noun) A nickname for a dude with a ridiculously long cock (uncircumcised).

Damn, check out the dude with the donkey dick!
He must be a Dionisio....

by bootyclap189 December 28, 2011

56πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž



1: (noun) The Portuguese variation of the name Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and orgies.

2: (noun) A nickname name for a dude with a ridiculously long cock (uncircumcised).

Damn, check out the dude with the donkey dick!

Is it even human?
He must be a Dionisio....

by bootyclap189 December 27, 2011

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž



Noun: The preferred mode of transportation to the ER by the sickly ignorant in urban America, typically paid for by the blood, sweat, and tears of taxpayers in the form of medicaid and charity care.

MacArthur: My aids is itchy.
Transitcop: Call a ambalance.

Leroy: My tooth hurt, nigga.
Babymomma: Call a ambalance and have the ambalance drivah take you to University.

by bootyclap189 December 17, 2011

107πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


An acute medical emergency requiring an immediate and advanced emergency medical workup, where a patient has a sudden onset of sleepiness and loopiness all at once. If one experiences a state of sloopiness, they should be rushed to the nearest trauma center and taken directly to the OR for STAT neurothoracotomy.

Brent: damn dawg, I feelin sloopy...

Matilda: Oh word? Pass that sloopy to the left....

by bootyclap189 November 10, 2017


Faa. gâàt - noun: A man who enjoys the delicious taste of a glistening veiny penis.

Guiseppe: I just don't understand why I love the taste of penis?

Darnell: I don't know. Maybe it's because you're a faggot!

by bootyclap189 April 11, 2014

53πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Newark Diet


Noun: The daily regiment required to treat one's HIV and HEP B or C (Newark Flu) infections.

Mohamed: I never should've had unprotected gay sex with that homeless gentleman at Newark Penn Station, now I'm stuck on that Newark Diet... :(

by bootyclap189 December 29, 2011

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Newark Flu

A multisystemic disease indigenous to homeless and jobless tribal populations in Newark, New Jersey consisting of HIV and at least two variations of hepatitis, most commonly HEP B and C.

Yo dawg, don't touch that nigga, he got dat newark flu.

Sumbady cawl a ambalamps, dat dirty hoe got da newark flu...

by bootyclap189 April 11, 2011

55πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž