When people believe the deceitful propaganda of the global jihadist movement - often about its innocence and victimhood when the people who it attacks fight back, or when people are afraid to criticize the jihadist actions for fear of retribution or at least being called an Islamophobe.
Although the jihad has killed over 1M civilians in recent years, people who have been jihagandized are prone to accept it if only Muslims are involved but are up in arms if Israelis defend themselves against the jihad. It's absolute Gazalighting!
Jihagandized people claim that Jews are colonizers, even though it's so obvious they have returned to their native, ancestral homeland after Roman and Arab colonizers have removed them. In fact, jihagandized people refuse to see that most of the accusations that the global jihaganda makes against Israel are actually crimes that jihadists themselves commit and Israel doesn't.
If someone blames Israel for civilian suffering in Palestine, instead of blaming the jihadist leaders, it is obvious that s/he has been thoroughly jihagandized.
When you come back home and someone has taken and ruined it, so you get in, start to fix the place up, and they keep attacking you for it, so you fight back and consistently win.
Jewish people returning to their native homeland, to provide a shelter for world Jews and rehabilitate the land from centuries of abuse at the hands of Roman and Arab colonialists.
When you invite your neighbors to coexist peacefully but have to defend yourself by any means necessary because neighbor continues their genocidal aggression.
Are you ok?
Yeah...I just got Israeled, but I'll be aright. I just need to practice more self-defense for the next time they try.
Why? Need help?
Yeah, I do. I'm surrounded by jihadist neighbors.
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