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1.A person who belives they understand the job at hand, however in reality, they have no idea. The usual McTard-muffin tries to convince others that they, are in fact, correct.

2. People who are incapable of accomplishing simple daily tasks

3. Can also be used to shoot someone down for any reason whatsoever.

1.Boss: It's gotta be done my way
Worker: but, dude, that doesnt work
Boss: Yes, it does. You see i graduated college, so i'm right.

Worker: dude, you're a McTard-muffin...

2. You sit down at work, only to realize you put your lunch on the seat.

3. Person 1: then i was like dude stop talkin shit or im gonna...

Person 2: dude stfu, you're a McTard-muffin. that didnt happen

by brendanbowenisamctardmuffin December 10, 2009