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a hipster with a need for speed.

a girl who does the justin bieber hair flick.

someone who listens to bands that were around before thier parents where born.

that kid who always buys random junk they have no use for off ebay.

the person who cant sing for their life and likes to frequently remind everybody of it

a teenager who cannot speak a non-sarcastic sentence without turning into a unicorn.

always says things like "i liked them before they were cool" and "i donated to haiti before the disaster"

frequently draws moustaches on their fingers.

calls all mainstream popular music "coporate"

idea of skateboarding is to roll down a hill (holding the board to her chest)

denys being hipster.

Rannoch never misses the bus. It always catches up with her.

by brianistheman42 April 6, 2012

1👍 1👎