A Woman who poses as a Friend but has no Idea how to be one. not very attractive, Homley, in manner of appearance and dress. Relates better to animals than human, usually posses for too many of them. Can be found living in her car or a friend of friends houses who have taken them in due to pitty. This is nomal for the animals and they will use your furniture as a cat scrach, care of their cat box is limited to brief moments of sobriety and your once clean home now will smell like a cat box WARNING IF you find your self in this position immediately contac the original person who introduced you and seek their assistance in immediate removal as it will take them and local law enforcement to do this , this person usually has an exaggerated level of confidence of self-worth ask for character references from people who have known her her whole life anything under 2 years doesn't qualify as a friend. Do not loan money to or assign yourself responsibility for any aspect of her existence and she does not pay her bills. She will steal from you and she cannot be left unattended in your home, enjoys going to thrift stores and will steal from these kinds of establishments. She accuses everyone around her for things that she has done has no domestication skills whatsoever , elderly posing as a healthcare worker and or animal groomer fails to possess any documentation or certification from any accredited school of nursing or health care. D
The dating Pool and friendship pool is at an all-time low you never told me she was a Swamp Donkey.