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Ghettero is a slur between Ghetto and Hetero. Ghetto has come to mean almost anything now days. But all in all it usally means strait up or extreme. Hetero means strait like heterosexual is oriented to the opposite sex. So pretty much Ghetero is strait up extreme, boss , awesome, the bomb.

"whoa! no school today? that's ghettero bruhh"

by bruddah-C January 7, 2010

7👍 1👎


Pronounced Go-Mow
Like Ghettero ,(totally opposite meaning) ghomo is a slur of words. With the prefix of Ghetto meaning almost anything, in this case extreme, and a body of homo. Homo means same, but is usually considered derogatory in association to homosexual. So Ghomo means extremely bad or stupid, or generally really disagreeable.

1 "Dude, I totally failed that test, now I have an F in Math."
2 "So?"
1 "Dude I'm grounded now!"
2 "Awh, thats ghomo, sorry man."

by bruddah-C January 7, 2010

5👍 5👎

Monkey Fuck

Can happen at almost anytime, but is best when the fuckee is bending over, I.E. to tie shoe, ect. The monkey Fucker will jump on the fuckees back and either ride or teabag the fuckee. It can be done girl to girl or guy to guy or girl to guy or guy to girl without being homo or lezzy at all.

1 "Dude, Jose was tieing his shoe and Joe jumped on his back and started teabagging him!"
2 "Yah, Jose totally got monkey fucked!"

by bruddah-C January 8, 2010

15👍 32👎