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page rape

It's a situation that occurs once an individual feels the need to release compulsory energies dwelling within them onto the Facebook profile page of another individual:

1) "Liking" every single picture and/or every notification on their profile page that will allow you to "like" the said notification.

2) Flooding the victim's profile page with useless nonsense.

3) Hacking into the victim's personal account and altering information that is used to inform people of the victim's personal life/hobbies/interest, etc.

4) Hacking into the victim's personal account with the sole purpose being that you will post a, "Status Update" with falsified information pertaining to the hacker's choice of topic. Usually it is a status that is meant to be condescending or directed toward the victim himself or herself.

5) Pokes or "Poke Wars".

6) Friend Suggestions. These "Friend Suggestions" would contain individuals that you have never met, want to meet or need to meet. These "friends" are usually of a non-attractive specimen category.

7) Tagging the victim in any picture that he could find on anybody's profile page.

8) For those with a more daring repertoire: Deleting the victim's personal Facebook account.

<i>Victim's next status update once "Page Rape" has been commited":</i>


<i>First comment on the status:</i>

<i>Darrell Jamal</i) Aw shiiiit son yo ass got page raped Fr00b13+ lolz

by bruinboi16 August 29, 2011