An American comic book series created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon with 66 monthly issues and some other miniseries.
The series contain a lot of foul language, anti-religious stance, anti-racist stance (which is indicated shortly as: people are fine but Americans are a bit fine-r even if they are all rednecks), sexuality, perversion, violance, sci-fi/fantasy items, drugs and alcohol etc.
The plot revolves around the three main characters: Preacher Jesse Custer, gunfreak Tulip O'Hare and their Irish vampire friend Proinsias Cassidy; trying to track down God to make him answer that why he'd left heaven and creation while a lotta folks are praying to him for some reason. In the meantime they have to face many rivals such as: Saint of Killers, Jesse's family, the Grail, the Meatman etc.
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'Fuck you Gran'ma. Fuck you an' alla your monsters.'
- Preacher #12
57👍 19👎
Created by Rich Burlew, OotS is one of the most awesome kickass webcomics in the world. Drawn as stick figures, OotS is a group of six adventurers: Their leader Roy Grenhilt (fighter), Haley Starshine (rogue), Durkon Thundershield (dwarven cleric), Belkar Bitterleaf (halfling ranger), Elan (bard) and Vaarsuvius (elven wizard).
"I'm a sexy, shoeless GOD OF WAR!!"
-Belkar Bitterleaf (Order of the Stick)
18👍 7👎