Sacred Masters of the Arctic
SMotA is an AoS map with similar gameplay to DotA, but with more emphasis on hero abilities and less focus on items.
Special Features:
-Stackable Orbs - Multiple types of orbs as well as multiple of the same orb will stack.
-Intuitive Item Upgrading - You really do not have to memorize so much; you can upgrade many your existing items at the shops you got them at. For example, a Boots of Speed I can be upgraded to a Boots of Speed II. Several magical combos can also be found.
-Outposts - Four outposts, starting with two per team, can be captured for territorial advantages.
-Map Teleportation - Tired of walking all the way to your lane or from your lane to your base? Just hop on a teleporter instead!
-Observatories - Two Observatories are located away from the lanes on the map; when a player captures one, the Observatory will switch allegiance to the team of that player and give a large circle of vision.
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