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A man amongst snakes

“If bitches are snakes, I’m an Eagle”

by bstujm February 21, 2018

22👍 9👎


A prep that acts like he doesn’t smoke weed.

Randy comes off as an All American Boy, but he’s actually Incogweedo.

by bstujm March 1, 2018


When you get so high that you start remembering things that you haven’t thought of in years in reverse chronological order.

Jetpacking helped Randy remember the name of the girl he kissed at camp in fourth grade.

by bstujm February 23, 2020

5👍 6👎


When someone tricks you into watching their videos to see gameplay, but there’s no gameplay.

I went on JablinskiGames to see new Trover Saves The Universe gameplay, but I got Jablinskied. Jack Black got us again!

by bstujm June 27, 2019