A quacking monster. Demands bread. Pecks you to death if not. Baby duckings fall into sewage drains, please call the fire department if that happens.
Why is there a duck--HEY!! Stop pecking me, insolent duck!
Sayleigh is an enchanting girl that is secretly fierce. She has a wild attitude and likes to annoy the heck outta people, yet she is a great love partner. If you have her as your girlfriend, you'll very much quickly get used to her snappy remarks. She is brave and loyal and can't stand helping you out. She is among the most popular girls in high school, and likes to set pranks up for your boring history teacher, Mr. Binns. You will enjoy pretty quickly hanging out with her.
Oh mah gawd, it's Sayleigh!
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someone who is holding a flag that reads "yo im a bitchy person go get me a public execution". they ship problematic shit like incestious relationships, abusive relationships, relationships with such a fucking high age gap that even God himself feels like unaliving.
Person 1: Hey so what ships do you like in (insert anime name)
Pro shipper: (inserts a infants's name)
Person 1: ... ... ...and who?
Pro shipper: (inserts some old ass crusty man)
Pro shipper: I mean, they'll look so cute! The (old man) can take care of the (infant) and they'll have such a loving relationship! I bet the colour is bubblegum pink-
Person 1: *cocks shotgun* you have ten seconds to redo your sins before I blow your brains out
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Just some shit someone made up.
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