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A person who does not watch Rick and Morty or Johny Test and has a very low IQ score.

"Ya' Dingus" -Tealhollow1 (1993)

by bubby_is March 24, 2018


A person who does not watch Rick and Morty or Johny Test and has a very low IQ score.

(rugmi) Ivk6k

"Ya' Dingus" -Tealhollow1 (1993)

by bubby_is March 24, 2018


A person who does not have the mental balance to understand basic humor such as those of "fart jokes" and "whip-crack sound-effects."

a/Ivk6k (important)

"Ya' Darmbis." -Kyle Kunz 1993

by bubby_is March 24, 2018