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big ugly fat fuck.

from now on, scott will be referred to as BUFF.

by bumbleclot February 4, 2009

54πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Amines are organic compounds and functional groups that contain a basic nitrogen atom with a lone pair. Amines are derivatives of ammonia, wherein one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by organic substituents such as alkyl and aryl groups.

Not to be confused with anime.

Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine that helps to relieve allergic disorders due to cold, hay fever, itchy skin, insect bites and stings.

Anime refers to faggy cartoons that are produced in Japan and watched by emo american kids. Call it japanimation to piss them off.

by bumbleclot January 2, 2009

84πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


Used to define an unknown quantity.

John: How much did that cost?
Rob: Oh, I dunno. Thirty-four dollars and humpity-hump cents.

by bumbleclot June 5, 2009

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


God's method of abortion.

About 10-20% of pregnancies will result in miscarriage (this statistic is from mayoclinic.com).

Thank God that welfare-sucking bitch had a miscarriage.

by bumbleclot May 6, 2009

96πŸ‘ 118πŸ‘Ž


How people outside of the U.S. refer to mathematics.

Crikey! I bloody hate maths, mate!

by bumbleclot May 5, 2009

91πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

premature ejaculation inducer

a girl who is so intensely attractive that she causes a guy spill his load too soon, thus inducing a premature ejaculation.

much to her chagrin, jessica was a premature ejaculation inducer. all of her sexual encounters lasted only a few moments; her hottness was to blame for the rapid ejaculatory speed of her male partners.

by bumbleclot July 12, 2006

164πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

side straddle hop

U.S. Army term for jumping jacks.

Drill Sergeant: You're going to do the side straddle hop until you puke.

by bumbleclot May 20, 2009

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž