Basically Mayberry, USA. Hick-township in Northern New Jersey. Has an annual Corn Fest, no post office, and 85% Scout membership. 9,000 people, 30+ lakes, and everyone knows everyone else. Actually, they're most likely related.
Parades every year, picturesque views, lots of forest. A town civic center, movies in the parks in the summer.
The cultural center is the Byram Shoprite, where most of the town's youth are employed. 6% divorce rate. Very little crime. They say bad things happen everywhere, but the people who say that have never been to Byram.
The biggest event of the year is Byram Day every September, featuring fire works, crafts, food, games, rides, and good ol' family fun.
Byram is the Township of Lakes.
Byram is so lame it doesn't even have a post office.
10👍 5👎