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Rockism is essentially a prejudiced attitude to any form of popular music that doesn't conform to the values of rock music (in the most narrow and conventional sense of the term.) The most obvious example of this is the tendency of middle-aged fans of 'classic rock' to describe any music that involves the overt use of electronic instruments as not 'real music'.

Do you really think Jethro Tull are better than Kraftwerk, or is it just rockism?

by cactuscat September 15, 2006

119πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Knob is commonly used in Britain to mean penis, so the implication of knobstand is that someone is useless, that he serves no purpose other than to support his own genitals. Not in general use but sometimes heard said by teenagers in South Manchester. A few years ago I saw it in an Australian music fanzine, but I would assume this was written by someone with connections to Northern England.

Can't you do anything right? You knobstand!

by cactuscat September 15, 2006


The state of being paralysed from the scalp up by over exposure to uhu glue.

He's had it nurse, totally mogglerised.

by cactuscat September 16, 2006

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Implausibly large sprout. Quite scary.

That cabbage is looking at me, please make it stop.

by cactuscat September 15, 2006

9πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

binge drinking

Formerly known as getting drunk/hammered/bladdered/legless etc etc. The media's precise reason for their re-branding of this age-old practice remains unclear.

Newspaper headline: Binge drinking on the increase in under 30s.

by cactuscat September 15, 2006

176πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


Sub-genre of popular music characterised by a regular beat and the use of melodic and harmonic strains derived largely from the blues and country music. Originally, in the 1950s, it fell into one of two categories - Rock 'N' Roll (rhythm and blues tailored for a white audience) or Rockabilly (similar but with the country/hillbilly influence to the fore.) Before long new variations of the form began to emerge and, considered as a whole, have been the dominant kind of popular music up to the present time.

If it's nu-alterna-punk-emo-indie music...why does it sound like rock?

by cactuscat September 15, 2006

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Really stupid sport played using a ball that isn't even ball shaped. There are two kinds of it but few people know or care what the difference is. Invented when a thick schoolboy picked up the ball and ran with it during a game of football. Because he was posh he didn't get his head kicked in, instead he was congratulated for inventing a new sport, which was named after the school he attended. I can honestly say I have never spoken to a single person with any interest in rugby.

If you think football is boring to watch, you should see rugby. Or, rather, you shouldn't.

by cactuscat September 15, 2006

35πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž