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love is when you will shout across the school who your boyfriend is and feel prideful, not ashamed
love is when you can name a million things you love about them
love is when you see them your heart races and applauding goes off in your head
love is when they say your name and your heart melts
love is when you can get lost in their eyes
love is when you miss even for an hour between seeing them
love is when they're all you think about at night
love is what you song slow songs to alone in your room
love is when a text is from them, no matter what your doing, you respond immedietly
love is when you laugh a little more around them
smile a little more around them
be happier around them
love is when you know without hesitating, without thinking, without stopping, without blinking, without a second thought you know who you love
and you will tell the world you love them
and you can list a million reasons why you love them
and tell the world that

You know your in love when you cant go to sleep at night becasue reality is better than you dreams.

by callegarigirl3265 April 24, 2011