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Also known as YUPPIE LAND. The "Vermont anomaly" is a case in which people convince themselves that a higher cost of living provides a greater quality of life. Those who work 1.5- 2 jobs just to keep up with the Jones' are subject to this anomaly. With Saabs and Volvos in the driveway one feels above the rest of society paying $300k for a home and land only worth about $100k. The real Vermonters consider these folks transplants as more than 95% of them are and contest that they are "Vermonters". Crime rate is rampant even "friends" in Vermont will try to make a buck off of you, and the schools aren't any better than anywhere else. And for open minded peace loving people they are are Dicks and are quite judgmental wondering why no others wouldn't want to move to Vermont. Well the reason is because of people aka douche bags, like yourselves. So when you are complaining of not having time or money or you're too tired ask yourself if your quality of life really is better. All Vermont really is is an overlandscaped New Jersey. How do ya like that?

Vermont is also known as upper Westchester........

by callingoutyuppiesandfriendswho October 4, 2012

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