Babo the baboon. babo can be used as an adjective noun verb or basically anything. it means anything and everything. Babo is a monkey. babo- silly monkey/baboon trapped in an unknown place. FREE BABO 2020. Babo is a potato that meep. bab odesn't make sense at all but it doesn't matter. it's anything and everything. babo. ur babo. i'm babo. he's babo. she's babo. it's babo. that's bobo. babo. babo is everyone's favorite position. the gluck gluck 9000 double hand twist vaccume seal doesn't even compare to how babo will make you feel. everyone loves babo. babo
brad- "yo chad" chad- "yeah brad?" brad - "you'll never guess what tiffany did to me last night" chad-"the gluck gluck 9000??" brad- "no, even better" chad- "broski that's not even possible what is it" brad- "THE BABO" chad- "no that's not possible. that only happens in legends!" brad- "it's even better than they say" chad- "that's gnarly dude" kyle- "hey dude's i woke up with a huge hangover. what's going on?" chad-- you'll never believe it, brad got baboed last night." kyle- "no way bro me too. stacy has a rockin' bod." chad- "yeah well guys mckenna AND stephanie gave me the gluck gluck AT THE SAME TIME. mckenna even pulled a reverse cowgirl on me" brad and kyle- "it's not the same"