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Medicine Hat

Sometimes referred to as “The Hat” or the “Gas City” A nice city that has a small town vibe to it, also the “sunshine capital” of Canada. Located on the South Saskatchewan River. Population pertaining 40% old fucks, 30% college students. The rest being rich bastards or junkies. Downtown is home to trendy coffee shops, clothing/thrift stores, restaurants, pubs and bars which cater to a mix of hipster-artsy fuck-red neck-douche bags. You’ll likely find a tattoo or cannabis shop on every street. Maybe see some junkies with stolen bikes shooting up at the Circle K.

Favourite pass times of residents include craft beer, weed smoking, golf, getting tattoos, having babies and complaining about how they live in Medicine Hat. A more affordable place to live compared to Calgary.

An alright place to live if you like hiking/biking/walking trails, driving out to Cypress Hills, or craft beer and getting stoned. Redcliff residents will get butt hurt if you say it’s basically a suburb of Medicine Hat. Neighbourhoods include The Flats (ghetto) Riverside (a mix of middle class upper class) Downtown (hipster / artsy fucks and junkies) Ross Glen (middle class / the mall) Crestwood (Upper to middle class) Crescent Heights (middle class) Desert Blume (Rich fucks) Southridge (townhouses / duplexes) Ranchlands (middle to upper class) Meadowlands (old fucks) Norwood (lower to middle class) Conaught (college students)

Ryan: I moved to Medicine Hat, then I got stoned

Sean: They don’t call it the grass city for nothing!

by canucks188892 November 3, 2022

Medicine Hat

The sunshine capital of Canada. Averaging 2,544 hours of sunshine per year. With long hot dry summers and cool to mild winters from the chinooks, Medicine Hat is a great place to live if you’re not into harsh winters.

Miranda: No wonder the guy that wrote The Jungle Book coined Medicine Hat “Hells Basement”, the sun is killing me!!

John: Beats being blown away by the winds in Lethbridge!

by canucks188892 November 3, 2022