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Black Veil Brides

A rock and roll band full of wizards who like to cast spells on their stringed instruments while bashing on the drums. They are most known for their relationships with jeffery star. when ever their lead singer (Lightning Thunderstein) enters a room seagulls fly out from his armpits and the song "Im too sexy for my shirt" begins to play. The drummer is captain cold and is lightning's roommate.

The rest of the band consists of Dr. Black (oftenly called ashley) and Rupert Johnson (screen name: thedemonbarbor1997)

They are an all around great band except for back in 2009 when they greatly contributed to the great house elf scandal. During this period of time, the members of BVB would smuggle house elves to their events and sell them on the black market

Girl: Black Veil Brides is soooo hot I just love their lead singer
Boy: he is jewish
Girl: Yeah but he likes to rock and roll (uuhh) so it is all good
Boy: I like that song about people screaming
Girl: you mean fallen angels? O.o

by capitalmaster3000 December 24, 2011

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