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hawt – adj. Trying very hard but completely failing at making yourself physically attractive, especially in front of a camera. Modern English: hot > Old English > hát

aren't these pictures on my livejournal so hawt?

by cardenio April 6, 2005

28👍 81👎


a place where your horoscope is correct more often than the weather channel

"independence day fireworks have been canceled due to heavy snow and low visibility"

by cardenio February 5, 2005

2375👍 286👎


home of Bob Seger and Grand Funk Railroad

"I think I'm goin' to Katmandu!"

"I'm getting closer to my home..."

by cardenio February 5, 2005

138👍 59👎


someone who makes fun of trolls for their reaction to three feet of snow

troll: man, we got a lot of snow
yooper: eh?
troll: three feet, man!
yooper: yah
troll: no school, man, it was sweet
yooper: you closed school for three feet of snow?!?!??!?
troll: you like excessive punctuation, don't you?

by cardenio February 5, 2005

453👍 242👎


loser – n. A person who has fallen off the social ladder, climbed down the social ladder, jumped off the social ladder, or just never bothered to climb the social ladder in the first place. Upon arrival on the ground, losers begin to befriend fellow groundlings and realize how much fun a person can have when gravity isn’t an issue. It is perfectly acceptable to insult losers, because they have nowhere to fall to and it won’t hurt much. They will end up laughing about it later, anyways. Every now and then, a loser will glance at the top of the social ladder, but it is never long before they realize how pointless and stupid the top of the ladder is.

person: you're a loser and a nerd, i hate you.
loser: ok

by cardenio April 6, 2005

7525👍 2931👎


Quite possibly the greatest card game ever.

Hey, we need a fourth for euchre!

by cardenio February 5, 2005

94👍 16👎


ish – interj. or suffix 1. Sort of. 2. Kind of. 3. A little bit. 4. Not quite. 5. Alright. 6. Okay. 7. Decent. 8. Iffy. 9. Somewhat. 10. Not entirely. 11. Yes, except not.

I guess it's ishy...?

by cardenio April 6, 2005

9👍 27👎