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casava pie

A traditional Bermudian dish containing casava and chicken. Typically served in the Christmas season.

At Christmas time, Bermudians gather with their families for turkey and casava pie!

by carlituhuh January 7, 2004

18👍 8👎

emo bastard

Someone who uses the :-\ smiley on AIM.

He used the :-\ smiley? What an emo bastard!

by carlituhuh April 1, 2004

104👍 149👎


A bi0tch located in Ohio who is pwned by teh casava pie. She enjoys the company of a particular emo bastard, hax0ring your ftp and pwning the int0rweb.

"Shit son, is that Puja?"
"It appears to be."
"She's totally pwning the int0rweb today."
"It's the influence of that casava lover, Carly."

by carlituhuh January 7, 2004

58👍 166👎


A 1337 version of the word bitch.

"Puja is such a bi0tch!"

by carlituhuh January 5, 2004

14👍 14👎