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A Casey is someone to love very dearly. All or nothing as a Casey use to say. She never fails to touch the deepest most sacred part I hold dearly to me, my heart. She makes me laugh like no other and maybe because of that contagious laugh, or maybe that wit of hers and maybe it's even that fact that she makes me very happy. She gives this look that can warm even the coldest of hearts and strip you off from all bondage. She inspires me like no one else does. She walked into my life about half a decade ago, she grabbed a hold of me, shook me, threw me, spun me around and kissed me down to earth and never let go. Hold on to her very closely cause that next thing you know she's gone. Don't hurt one cause they'll never forget it. In fact, that'll lead them to pull their guard up. A Casey is a fine creature to the the pout of her lips and that sexy ass grin, to the those lovely hips and all the way down to her purple toes. Pay attention to her and pay even more attention to the little thin

gs she does. Especially the twinkle in her eyes when she gets so into whatever it is that is coming out of her smart ass mouth. She's thoughtful when it counts but shaky if and when she feels a slight a tremble down her spine. Love her, want her but you can't hold on to her because what a Casey does is self explained by the name itself. I love her, I want her, and yet I can't have her.

So when you look up and you see those damn stars count them cause as infinite as they are, the time you have with this amazing person will not even come close. However, strip her down and you should definitely count your lucky starts she even ever let you in because she has a shell of a porcupine, come too close and you'll get pricked; backed up by walls that surround her from here until Timbuktu Just be happily miserable and thankful that you even met such a person, loved her, and even walked into your life at all. I love you, that word use to mean the world to us now they are as empty as the streets in the middle of night.

Casey will be Casey.

by carluhhh June 15, 2014

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