Name: Danell
Origin; of the name Daniel. Derived from the Hebrew Daniel. "God is my judge. The name is borne in the bible by the Hebrew prophet whose faith kept him from harm in the den of hungry lions. Many people fail to distinguish between the names Danielle and Dannell or Danielle. A rare name not often found are people named Danell. They are most likely a leo. This symbolizes sovereign power and authority even royalty. The name Danell often nicknamed Malka meaning queen in Hebrew. They don't often follow mainstream culture; but rather are individual in the way they dress and act. They have the biggest heart hidden within, but can often be misunderstood not appreciated. They have a unique gift working with animals. Characteristics;
Nurture; to bring up; train; educate.
Guides; to supply ( a person ) with advice or counsel, as in practical or spiritual affairs.
"Get close to a Danell as a friend. You may just get some wisdom you didn't have before!
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