noun- An act of intense, emo intercourse performed by a man, wearing a purple top-hat, on a woman;
1.) The man gurgles up a lugi and spits on the woman's vagina. He then begins to smear it around, stimulating her clitoris.
2.) The man then persists by shoving Twizzlers, at least 27, analy into the woman.
*Of note, if the woman begins to bleed, you are doing it right*
3.) The man will then drizzle hot fudge all over the woman's breastic region and smear it everywhere. He will then lick all of it off and force her to eat the Twizzlers.
4.) Upon completion, the couple will have sex, however avoiding anal, due to the fact that she will not be tight in that region.
"At first, I thought my boyfriend was going to rape me... But it was much worse!"
"What happened?!"
"...He gave me a Willy Wonka!"
"Oh! My! Fucking! GOD!"
48👍 66👎
noun- An act of intense, emo intercourse performed by a man, wearing a purple top-hat, on a woman;
1.) The man gurgles up a lugi and spits on the woman's vagina. He then begins to smear it around, stimulating her clitoris.
2.) The man then persists by shoving Twizzlers, at least 27, analy into the woman. *Of note, if the woman begins to bleed, you are doing it right*
3.) The man will then drizzle hot fudge all over the woman's breastic region and smear it everywhere. He will then lick all of it off and force her to eat the Twizzlers.
4.) Upon completion, the couple will have sex, however avoiding anal, due to the fact that she will hot be tight in that region.
"At first, I thought my boyfriend was going to rape me... But it was much worse!"
"What happened?!"
"...He gave me a Willy Wonka!"
"Oh! My! Fucking! GOD!"
15👍 40👎