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Sexiest chick you will ever find on the face of the planet, with eyes that lock you in a world of love and control. A body that leaves every man daydreaming and a smile that can cure world hunger.

If you ever meet a Chamae chances are you'll fall in love with her.

Chamae is sooooo hot man😍

by cb7 November 15, 2017

15👍 3👎


A very versatile word, used mostly in South Africa, means to give or receive something.

The word can used as an alternative to almost all verbs

"Yo can you chieza that glass to me? " (Can you give me the glass?)
"I'm gonna chieza that girl" (I'm gonna get that girl)
"Look how you chieza me" (Look how you diss me"

by cb7 July 10, 2017


Owndville where noobs go
hahaha ownd lawl
go to owndville
i just pwned u nubs

Please, ur such a nub Go to "Owndville" and dont come back until you are a l33t gawd

by cb7 March 17, 2008

7👍 13👎