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The wagjob is considered to be the most intense, painful, and utterly gayest and most homoerotic form of sex, ever. It involves eight condoms, six dicks, three plastic bags, a towel and a stork. Only performed by the gayest possible men on earth. The wagjob has only been performed one time in history, and even then, three of the participants as well as the stork died. It is essentially, completely fucked up.

Gangsta: Ay man, those gay dudes are having a wagjob!
Balla: Shit, thats fuckin gay as fuck man.
Gangsta: Damn dude! One of em just died!
Balla: Gay ass fags, check his wallet for cash.
Gangsta: Aight..

by cdogg23 October 24, 2007

62πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


A very metrosexual and feminine goose hunter who thinks that he's black. Usually found collecting goose sperm and using it for cooking projects.

Dayve: Yo, where's that wegroid Nelsuhn?
Babber: Ay, I think he's out goose hunting.
Dayve: Probably jacking off a goose somewhere.
Babber: Yeah, I hope he ain't making dinner...

by cdogg23 October 23, 2007

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Douche Monkey

A rare form of inbred monkey that live primarily in used condoms, gutters, garbage disposals, and windmills. i.e. a monkey so gay, that its only form of employment is cleaning the cunts and nutsacks of transgender freaks. A fucked up monkey.

Raphael: Yo, what u got under ur bed?
Demetri: Shit, piss, whiskey, and a Douche Monkey...
Raphael: Sweet, can I buy your Douche Monkey?
Demetri: Hell no, then no one would clean my balls!
Raphael: Ur a fucked up dude..

by cdogg23 October 23, 2007

71πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Considered to be one of the gayest forms of prehistoric life ever to walk planet earth. The Wiggaraptor preyed on small unsuspecting plant and animal life and commonly consumed only the gentiles of its victims. The remains of these creatures stay gay even in death, and commonly only gay or metrosexual archeologist's can find the fossils. The Wiggaraptor had bright white skin and usually tried to hang around other early life with a darker skin tone, but was almost always ditched due it it's gayness and suggestions of having 6 or 7 consecutive wagjobs. Because the Wiggarapor was born gay it was very hard for it to reproduce, and so it developed ways of tricking animals into getting piggy back rides on its back, then promptly fucking them about halfway through the trip when the animals weren't looking. This created many cross breeds of homosexual prehistoric life which were commonly very fucked up, and so eventually evolved into the Wiggasaurus. Esentially, the Wiggaraptor was a fucked up bitch who roamed around trying to find ass. Recent studies have also concluded that the Wiggaraptor may have been the distant relative of such species as the Egret and Egro, although a proper basis for this assumption has not yet been made.

Niggaraptor1: Ayyyyyaawf, look at that Wiggaraptor!
Negrosaurus: Damn, it tryin to get those ferns to give it a wagjob!
Niggaraptor2: Man thats fucked up...
Niggaraptor1: Ay, I hope that thing dont evolve, if it does it gonna be fuckin screwed.
Negrosaurus: Yeah, itll prolly get called a wegro or some shit.

by cdogg23 November 11, 2007

13πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A term used to describe extremely homosexual egrets and other swamp life that practices gay and homoerotic sex.

Damn, Dre, quit acting like a fucking egro, its attracting tons of wegrets!

by cdogg23 October 23, 2007

10πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


A name for sweet ass gangsters with loads of cash and crack. Usually has tons of bling and drives expensive sports cars. Occasionally does big cocaine deals and chills with g's. Known for exceptional skill at betting on dog fights. Is pimp.

Chauncey Billups is a teadums.

by cdogg23 October 24, 2007

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A wigger who thinks he's egro. i.e. a wegro who has never been to a ghetto, and tries to act homosexual just to be popular. Has also never been to a swamp.

Plural: Woggers

Rasheed: Ay, has you seen dat white kid at school?
James: Yeh, wut his name?
Rasheed: Shit man, i dont know, but he a wogger.
James: Damn, i know man.

by cdogg23 October 23, 2007

19πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž