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A term usualy meaning a mother who drives a minivan, and or volvo or similar vehicle and does activitys like scrapbooking, church etc but after a hooker sting in charleston south carolina it means a prostitute that advertises on craigslist, the term is always taken as offensive by ignorant people like baptists and other christian groups and used to ostricsisde people that really dont want to associate with ignorant people like "baptists" or christans in gerneral, closest thing chistians or other modern busybodys can get away with legally since they outlawed witchunts and lynching.

Oh MY GOD, He called u a soccermom, I hear he sold something on craigslist, I bet he worships stan and sacrifices babys, lets go on a crusade call out the homowners association.

by charlestonscisfullofbigots October 16, 2008

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