A fukin freek hu thinkz they r da best because there on the dole from pennywell or hendon..but not 2 say therez out wrong wiv hendon b'coz me luv lives there! the lasses can eiva b propa ugly or canny pretty..and same 4 the ladz but if there nice then they r NICE! but they hav the crappest personality and no money and no brainz and usually end up having kids by the age of 10, which is reely bad b'coz then more come before theve all died ov hash. anywayz i lurrvee a charv so i cant talk..but i admit i only go 4 his looks and NOT his personality.
c yaz all l8r . hope u can write ur own defention taking the piss out ov charvz bye!
" eeeeeee nor we ye talkin te...get sum trackies and sum shnidey rockports (rockForts) leek me!
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