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(noun) One who dedicates him/herself to "thug life", making comments on various forums and discussion boards such as "Quit hiding behind your screen fuck face, I'll kill you!", while in reality, this individual is simply just another computer geek.

(1): OMG 19" !? Black people are using 19" right now. Whose gonna buy this? Wow.

(2): wow #1. how tasteful.

(1): O man how ironic that #2 mentions taste. Cause that fuckin douchebag was tastin my c..0..ck about 2 minutes again when I force fed that fuck my rod. He then proceeded to taste my hot load and I filled his fuckin mouth with my cum. Don't fuck with me motherfucker, I will beat the fuck out of you. You come here talking all kinds of shit, while hiding behind ur computer screen. How bout back that shit up? bitch, fuckin bitch.

(3): eThugs fo life nigga.

by che-z January 21, 2006

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