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A kid with no spelling, typing,and grammer skills. Normally types like an idiot with no brain and has no common sense. Also is a prick to everyone.

"hey i have a sugesntion STFU"
"make my LAUGH agian and you can make crap bold as you want it still dosent make a point you n00bie"
"WTF cant you people see theres a ****ing O in my name not a god damn U and if you red the little sentence under my posted pic it says DONT WINE DAMNIT ! "

by chewy October 24, 2004

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


(see chewy chewy chewballs)

dont do that!
yay yay yay!
no no no
i gotta make a doodie!

by chewy March 29, 2004

8πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


a mug or fool, a weak person. used primarily in west and northwest london

shut up you cheif

by chewy January 26, 2004

274πŸ‘ 162πŸ‘Ž


B.L. Zebop said that the miata is "Arguably the best handling car on the road today". That's incorrect. It's a well known fact that the Porsche 944 has always been known to have the best handling. Get your facts straight.

The mazda miata is a poor man's sports car.

by chewy October 23, 2004

66πŸ‘ 358πŸ‘Ž


Tennis ball (not the urban definition tennis ball). Young teenagers would carry around or have quick access to a tennis ball in order to play one of many urban wall ball games. This was ever more popular before the home videogame console craze when kids went outside more often.

"Go get your tenni so we can play stepball."
"Johnny roofed my tenni."

by chewy April 1, 2005

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


1. adj. to describe anything that while it functions to its minimal specification, it still sucks

2. adj. bad

3. n. one who is not good

1. Man, my new computer is average.
2. That was a pretty average performance by my local sports team.
3. You are an average.

by chewy January 2, 2005

1282πŸ‘ 6836πŸ‘Ž


A Ball game played against steps, preferably made of concrete and about 4-5 steps high. There are normally 2 players, an outfielder and a batter. The batter would throw a tennis ball directly at the step in an attempt to make it bounce from the steps and fly in the air. The outfielder would attempt to catch the ball to cause an "out". The rules are similar to baseball, except there is no need to run around bases. The base count was determined by the distance the ball traveled and hit the ground after it was thrown into the steps.

"Let's play Stepball!"
"I got my tenni roofed by Johnny because I beat him 5-0 in Stepball."

by chewy April 1, 2005

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž