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Jimin Effect

The ability of kpop boyband BTS member Park Jimin to trend effortlessly and snatch locals whenever he does something. Also sometimes used to refer to his ability to snatch straight dudes into questioning their sexuality.

Dude: bro why is 'guy with pink hair' is trending on twitter?
Me: BTS performed in a US TV show so that's just The Jimin Effect
Dude: it cant just be him though 'guy with purple hair' also trended last time who's that?
Me: Jimin
Dude: what! 'guy in red suit'?
Me: still Jimin
Dude: 'guy with silver h-'?
Dude: ...
Dude: no homo bro but damnnnn he's beautiful
Me: bro that's the Jimin Effect bro
Dude: bro...

by chimchimmy July 9, 2019

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