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A higher education bureaucracy in New york city that is touted as a "bang for the buck", but in fact is nothing more than a piece of paper that ensures blacks and hispanics a job at the welfare office or as a low level manager at Staples. the advisors that work for them ensure that whites and asians dominate the honors courses so they can continue to brag about how much their education is on par with nyu and Fordham. Note: An A at CCNY is a C at Columbia.
Many of CUNY's Community colleges are nothing more than an alternative to the many proprietary schools that dot NYC.

Software company interviewer: "So, tell me about your education?"
Roberto: "I Graduated at the top of my class at CCNY and i majored in comp science."
interviewer: "what would set you apart from our other candidates?"
Roberto: "mah nigga, i stays blunted and my d$%k game iz tight!"
Job goes to the U of chicago history major. CUNY graduate Roberto gets job at Gamestop

by chiqy18 December 3, 2007

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