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thkat sicc ankd evil los ankgkeles gankg inK thke city of ARTESIA filled withk thkose real G's who don't play no games , runks down pionkeer starting on 166th St through 169th, a small hood but tuff one , rivals of the hKeadgKivers and the sidewaccins, sidewaccKILLAS and garraKILLAS, thkey donkt play, VARRIOCHKIVASX3ARTESIA. come get some , GOATTOWN, shout out to LKWD side too foo 💯💯

Person: Aye homie where you from ?
Chivero: I'm from that Chivas trece gang rascals clique why foo??!!!

by chivero168st February 21, 2019

6👍 7👎