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One of many Jean-Chretien-isms... In jest of the poor pronunciation and vocabulary of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien.

...national pride, anyting I tink will be poopular, me being Prime Minister,...

by christos January 6, 2003

41👍 71👎


P) Pronunciation Key (p-LAP) v. The act of killing in a virtual sense. "To plap", "Johnny was plapped", "I'll plap you", or the more common "Plap?". Often used in a derogatory sense, n|Soul is no good at it.


by christos October 23, 2003

83👍 111👎


Christos is greek for Christ. However the main definition of Christos is a person in the game of Kings of Chaos who has been know to persuade many and is a prime example of perfection. Christos is very similar to the actual Christ in that he is a rebel and is leading people on the path to power and greatness.

Christos the great player of Kings of Chaos.

by christos February 2, 2005

132👍 58👎