Something condescending people say during a fight on Tumblr.
Skye: i hate straight ppl omg
Ana: Uhm sweetie (: thats reverse oppression
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Trans people, mostly on Tumblr, who believe you need body dysphoria to be transgender. They police the identities of other transgender people and often mock nonbinary teenagers.
Kei: i'm a demigirl and my pronouns are fae/faer/faeself.
Kei: shut up truscum
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A fear of long words. Referred to as squippedaliophobia most often as basically no one knows how to pronounce the word.
I have hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Oh no! A long word! *hides in corner*
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I donΓ’ΒΒt know how to tell you but I love you so much and I donΓ’ΒΒt know if you feel the same
Telling someone that you love them idkhttybilysmaidkiyfts
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1. A really catchy song.
2. Fuck me. (say it out loud)
If = F
You = U
See = C
K A = K
My = Me
Most people thing that it's like this-
If = F
You = U
See = C
K = K
Amy = Me
But it isn't. So for people that thought it was like that, the song probably sounds a lot better now.
1. Oh Baby Baby, If You Seek Amy Tonight. Oh Baby Baby, We'll Do Whatever You Like.
2. (this one doesn't really need an example. -.-")
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The fear of an erect penis.
If you're a guy and you have medorthophobia, you're screwed.
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