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Shadow Group

A shadow group is a qualitative research technique similar to focus groups, however, the moderator only asks rhetorical questions. Shadow groups are only conducted by a select few researchers and the effectiveness of this technique is considered highly suspect. It is closely related to other Amorphitative techniques.

Jim thought he was providing information for a study about cat food, but when he arrived at the facility he and the other participants were part of a shadow group where they were asked only rhetorical questions.

by circlesofindecision October 1, 2018

copastian error

Errors made when copying and pasting in Word, Excel, Power Point or other computer programs.

Pronunced: Cop-paste-ian

A copastian error occurs when formulas are copied and pasted but pull from the wrong cells within a spreadsheet. They can also occur in programs like word processing programs or presentation software when few words are copied and pasted into an existing sentence creating a grammatically incorrect structure. Occasionally when things are copied and pasted on many pages, the pasted items end up on pages where they should not be. There are many copastian errors that occur and usually can be avoided with careful proof reading and editing.

by circlesofindecision June 3, 2010

Amorphitative Research

Amorphitative research is the least reliable method of data collection. Quantitative research data is the most reliable and rigorous form of data, usually involving large sample sizes. Qualitative research is much less reliable but still considered a good source of data for uncovering concepts, definitions, language, etc. with smaller sample sizes. Amorphitative research has extremely small sample sizes with completely contradictory data. Data from amorphitative research is completely worthless.

At first, the research was described as qualitative because of the small sample size, but after reviewing the results and realizing that all the interviews were completely contradictory the study was dubbed amorphitative research.

by circlesofindecision September 5, 2018

Office Diva

A co-worker that frequently complains about or fires off emails about problems that don't exist. Also, tends to exaggerate situations without knowing whether it is a problem or not. May punch doors and yell for effect. Has an opinion about everything and likes to hear himself or herself talk. Fires off emails explaining why others are wrong and frequently hears the phrase, "We're already doing that."

After her email tirade, the office diva, Brynna, walked over to John's office and pounded on his door, yelling at him about the content of the email. After John explained the situation, she realized it was not an issue. She was not embarrassed.

by circlesofindecision March 3, 2017

facebook know

"Facebook know" means to know someone only through Facebook. You've never met, talked or texted, but you know many details about each other through posts that appear in the other person's feed and replies to those posts.

I've never met Jim, but I Facebook know him very well.

by circlesofindecision January 28, 2017

Meeting Induced Panic

A panic attack brought on after realizing you are late for a meeting that you were not actually invited to. Usually brought on by a calendar with so many meetings and you suffer from the delusion that you have been invited to all meetings.

Jim had a Meeting Induced Panic when he overheard his co-workers discussing a meeting they just left.
Jim suffers from MIP.

by circlesofindecision January 24, 2017