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n. \ˈpas-ˌ(h)ōl\ a motor-vehicle operator with a hair and/or other irritable object in their rectum, who will take any conceivable risk to themselves, other motorists, cyclists, pedestrians, or free-roaming animals in order to gain a car's length before stopping at the next red light.

n. \ˈpas-ˌ(h)ōl\ a motor-vehicle operator who speeds up when they realize they are about to be passed.

n. \ˈpas-ˌ(h)ōl\ a motor-vehicle operator who drifts aimlessly into the passing lane, but who lacks the ability, will, or common sense to apply pressure to the gas pedal, thereby causing motorists behind them to click out of cruise control, pwning their driving buzz.

"Take a number like the rest of us, passhole!"

"Sorry. Did i wake you up, passhole!?"

"Take your time, sweet-heart. Eeeeeaaaasy does it. Passhole."

by citizenVern November 24, 2009

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