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A person WITHOUT any mental illnesses/disabilities who still manages to be the stupidest person in a room full of people diagnosed with mental illnesses/disabilities and/or a person who is immune to logic/common sense.

Retard: "Get the 4th dose, the first 3 doses of an experimental DNA-altering compound that provide 0 immunity or reduction in transmission isn't enough, the 4th one will protect you because the government said so, trust the government because they never lied or hide anything from the people"

Guy 1: What did that Guy say?
Guy 2: Don't worry about it, he's a retard

by clairvoyant369 July 14, 2022


A poor person who is unhappy & complains about their life & world problems but does absolutely nothing to improve their situation, they believe everybody is entitled to something simply for existing, they also believe people who have worked hard to surpass the 99% of the world in wealth should give it all away because it's not fair they actually became successful from working hard

Peasant: "The government needs to send more stimulus checks & all billionaires need to donate all their money to end world problems instead of holding the government responsible for their unnecessary spending"

Guy 1: What did he say?
Guy 2: Oh nothing, just the typical peasant opinion

by clairvoyant369 July 15, 2022


A person who lives deep in the matrix, someone who blindly trusts the government & media and ridicules people who make decisions and develop opinions based on logic & common sense.

Sheep: "Take all the doses of an experimental DNA altering compound with 0 long-term testing for a virus with a 98% survival rate because the government said so"

Guy 1:What did he say?

Guy 2: Idk something about being a sheep

by clairvoyant369 July 15, 2022


LGBTQ members who make their sexuality their whole personality

Guy: I can't stand James Charles, his voice is so fucking cringe, he's such a faggot

by clairvoyant369 July 15, 2022