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An expensive cigar, usually a premium cigar made by companies who originate in Cuba who now have factories in or outside of Cuba. Reminiscent of those old bookies who would have a cigar in their mouth pushing smoke out of their mouths in the face of their gambling addicted customers.

That phat ass stogie is like some cheech and chong blunt.

by classicspree December 20, 2006

54👍 168👎


An extremely large penis.

She sucked and stroked me so hard that my applehead exploded all over her face.

by classicspree December 29, 2006

13👍 31👎

street platinum

1. A slang term for people who sell 100,000 units of cds and tapes independently produced. Selling mixtapes and/or original music productions out the back of their ride ala DJ Whoo Kid, 50 Cent before he was signed to a major label. Average cost of a mixtape $10.

$10 times 100,000 units= $1,000,000

2. 22 inch rims on a big azz whip. ex: escalade, denali, hummer, etc.

1. My shit went street platinum without the strength of Fiddy or any other major balla hyping my cd.

2. I've been selling street platinum on the streets for decades. Who needs a major record company? Not me.

3. My street platinum was spinning hard on my 07' Escalade.

by classicspree December 21, 2006