The story follows Barry B. Benson, a honey bee who sues the human race for exploiting bees, after learning from his florist friend Vanessa Bloome that humans sell and consume honey. Bee Movie is the first motion-picture script written by Seinfeld, who co-wrote the film with Spike Feresten, Barry Marder, and Andy Robin.
I like the bee movie! oh and super mario brothers is okay too I guess
4👍 1👎
Albert Aretz, better known as AlbertsStuff or Flamingo on social media, is a YouTube gamer best known for his Roblox gameplays. ... Albert's current YouTube channel, titled Flamingo, has more than 7.59 million subscribers. Albert started his now-discontinued YouTube channel âAlbertsStuffâ in 2012.
Tomska is best YouTuber but jacksfilms is better but flamingo is more better!