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To land a vault perfectly on one foot while crippled in the other during the 1996 Olympics.

Pirate #1: Ahoy! Land yer blabber-ass on that thair booty, arrrrr!

Pirate #2: Avast! I shall now leap!

(He leaps, is shot in the left foot, blasting it into useless mackarel, and yet miraculously lands perfectly on the other foot. He raises his arms in triumph.)

Pirate #1 (admiringly): Blast yer eyes! That be a mighty strug!

by clownmonkey June 7, 2007

20👍 21👎


"Body Off Baywatch, Face Off Crimewatch"

Similar to butterface or double bagger: hot body, but a face better given to frightening small children or fascinating forensic scientists.

Our boy Evans last night couldn't get it up, not even after three Viagras and whiskey tonics -- the minga he was with was a bobfac.

by clownmonkey June 10, 2008

3👍 9👎