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Dilbert is a highly-read comic strip started in 1989 by cartoonist Scott Adams featuring the office life of character Dilbert and his partners: the scheming Dogbert, Ratbert, Wally, often-angry Alice, the ignorant Pointy-Haired Boss, the genious garbage man, and other minor characters. Dilbert is portrayed as a smart, but often work-avoiding, employee. Wally is usually the same. The only hard-working engineer is Alice, but, despite her efforts, has never gotten a raise or any sort of credit for her work. Asok the Intern first appeared in 1996, and, although he is quick coming up with possible solutions to things, he is still naive of the real cruelties of the business world.

In the beginning, Dilbert and his companions were drawn purely by hand, and mailed off to the syndicate. Soon his work got more technology-related, and as of now, Scott Adams draws with no paper: he uses a Wacom Cintiq 21UX tablet/screen to draw on Adobe Photoshop. After, he emailed it to the syndicate. Scott Adams claimed that this technique is much more efficient than his previous ones on the Scott Adams Blog.

Guy-"Dilbert is like totally the best comic ever."
Other Guy-"Like, totally."

by cocoanutv May 6, 2009

55👍 18👎

World of Warcraft

An incredibly addictive game which sucks you in, consumes your soul, and becomes your life. You play as Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Night Elves, Draenei, Orcs, Tauren, Trolls, Undead and Blood Elves as you are vexed by its unbelievable addiction power. The side effect of this is that you will forget all about the outside world for roughly 43 years, be isolated from your friends (your so-called "friends" will abandon you to have a good life), and you will not notice as people walk in your house taking away the couch and television as you click away at the mouse.

Guy-"Hey, Jason! Let's play basketball!"
Jason (staring at screen)-"..."
Guy-"Uh... Jason?"
Jason (continuing to stare at screen)-"..."
Guy (stern)-"Are you playing World of Warcraft again?"
Jason (does not move as neighbors walk in and take away his television and couch)-"..."

by cocoanutv May 3, 2009

15👍 4👎

Peanut Butter Jelly Time

Internet phenomenon. It began with a song by the Buckwheat Boyz by the same name. A Flash animation shows a highly pixelated banana with four limbs dancing to the music.

In Family Guy, Brian dressed up as a banana and danced to cheer up Peter.

Computer speakers-"It's peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat"

Guy-"Why is there an anthropomorphic banana on this computer screen?"

by cocoanutv May 6, 2009

192👍 137👎


Gehn is the father of Atrus and the main antagonist of Riven: The Sequel to Myst. He captures Atrus's wife, Catherine. He believes himself to be a god.

"Gehn has captured Catherine! You must go to Riven..."

by cocoanutv April 26, 2009

2👍 1👎