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An term used to describe stupid, idiotic, and mean people. It is sometimes used as a nickname and other titles.

Eww why is your username on Discord VersusX?

by coldstop121 March 16, 2021

8👍 2👎


A term used to describe an underage user in any social media apps. It is also sometimes used as a username or title.

Did you hear that Rishabh is a ba?

by coldstop121 March 19, 2021

6👍 3👎


Someone who bitches around a lot and bitching is their definitive character trait. Bitchi's are also very delulu especially when it comes to romantic relationships

Hey Bitchi, shut the hell up!

by coldstop121 January 23, 2024


A certain personality that some people can have, they are very horny and are often knowing very weird things even though they are underage

I have a WizardMagician personality! Hmm, that may make a good username.

by coldstop121 May 5, 2021