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A once novel concept completely and utterly destroyed by Clear Channel, which owns every radio station and only plays three shitty songs in steady rotation.

I just heard this song three minutes ago on the radio!

by combat_rock November 8, 2003

534πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž

limp bizkit

A band characterized by moronic lyrics with many mentions of the word "fuck" (CuZ Th3y r teh H4Rdc0R3!!!111!!), shitty power riffs played over and over, and inane "beats" added in. Their lead "singer" Fred Durst either "raps" in a whiny bitch ass voice or "sings" in monotone. Y'know, when he's trying to be all "serious".

Limp Bizkit song: Move in now move out, hands up now hands down.

Me: What is this? The fuckin' hokey pokey?

by combat_rock November 29, 2003

1378πŸ‘ 814πŸ‘Ž


1. A kickass metal band.
2. A series of videos staring the band's drummer's brother, that included insane/comical stunts.

Note: CKY stands for "Camp Kill Yourself"

CKY is a kickass band and movie.

by combat_rock November 8, 2003

420πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

mortal tipout

A version of the popular basketball game "tip out", aka 21. Basically, a bunch of guys gather around a basketball goal and it's every man for himself, trying to score 21 points. Each normal basket is worth one point, and you get to take free throws after you score, and keep shooting them untill you miss (while everyone else waits for a potential rebound). If someone tips a missed free throw in, it's worth two points.

Mortal tipout is played with no rules whatsoever, and violence is encouraged. Basically, me and some buddies that were too drunk/stupid for our own good came up with it, but it's very addictive.

You might get pushed to the court hard, playing mortal tipout.

by combat_rock May 17, 2004

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Right above NASCAR and just below pro wrestling in the "what is and isn't a real sport" spectrum. I mean, seventy year old men still play it! That is not a sport. The commercial was right, golf would be a lot better if it were more like hockey.

Some woman streaking was the most exciting thing ever to happen on a golf course.

by combat_rock May 17, 2004

177πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


The brothers of ninjas forever.

Hippos can kill anyone they want! Hippos eat people ALL the time and don't even think twice about it. These guys are so crazy and awesome that they flip out ALL the time. I heard that there was this hippo who was eating in the forest. And when some squirrel dropped a nut the hippo killed the whole forest. My friend Mark said that he saw a hippo totally uppercut some dog just because the dog opened a window.

by combat_rock May 17, 2004

23πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Anyone in the WWE under 6'6'', a wrestler that always loses to make more popular wrestlers look better.

Spanky and Funaki are awesome, but they're to small to be anything other than jobbers.

by combat_rock November 28, 2003

121πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž