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New Democrats who follow the teachings of their cult leader after the fashion of Tom Tomorrow's Chuckles the Sensible Woodchuck. Often self-considered martyrs or victims for their cause, they disrupt discussion, distort reality and excuse-ify to non-believers. Anyone who questions their dear leader is ostracized and swarmed. Often associated with discussions of elm trees, lumberjacks and envision themselves as beavers but are little more than wannabees. They can be found over much of North America but have overrun a discussion forum affectionately known as Woodchuck Underground.

Sensible woodchucks scream, shout and pout when anyone criticizes their man.

by cornholio2 August 22, 2010

11👍 15👎


A tantrum or fit of rage often triggered by uncomfortable or inconvenient truth and used by message control specialists to end discussion in a topic at a website affectionately known as Woodchuck Underground.

Calling the President Barry caused lockiplexy among the groupies every time.

by cornholio2 November 19, 2010


To be disappeared without warning from a discussion forum. Especially refers to a member named Lerkfish at a website affectionately known as Woodchuck Underground.

I was a donor at FU but they lerkfished Freddie too for just being a liberal.

by cornholio2 August 15, 2010

28👍 6👎


Member of the Barack Obama Group who encourages average people to settle for less and ask for even less. Especially refers to those who have taken over the discussion forum affectionately known as Woodchuck Underground.

The BOG'ers are driving people away from the Left almost as fast as the President's pseudo-left policies.

by cornholio2 August 19, 2010

28👍 21👎