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i could care less

Used incorrectly by idiots to mean 'I couldn't care less'.
This is turn means 'I care so little about this topic that my level of caring is at its utmost minimum'

When people say 'I could care less', what they are actually saying is:
'My level of caring is not yet at its minimum, and there is scope to care less about this topic.'
...Which is one of the most useless things you can tell someone.

A: "The paint is nearly dry! Oh wow what a momentous occasion!"
B: "I couldn't care less"
A: "This person is disinterested, therefore I shall refrain from further comment about such matters"

Incorrect version:
A: "The paint is nearly dry! Oh wow what a momentous occasion!"
B: "I could care less"
A: "Erm...ok...thanks for letting me know?" O_o

by correctioncan221 May 22, 2013

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